Why Robert E. Sweeney Company?

When you're facing personal injury, product liability, bad faith insurance, or discrimination in the workplace, your thoughts often spin with questions:

  • What are my options?
  • What should I know?
  • How much will solutions cost?
  • Do I have a case?
  • How long will this take to resolve?
  • How much is my injury worth?

These questions can be tough to answer, leading to countless frustrations and sleepless nights.


Get Answers and a Restored Peace of Mind

You need a representative who can answer your questions with the experience and expertise to get you the justice you deserve.

Leading Expert in Personal Injury and Asbestos Cases

Founded in the 1940s, our firm began as a personal injury and labor law practice, bringing one of the country's first asbestos cases to court in the early 1970s. From that time forward, we've been one of Ohio’s leading asbestos litigation firms, evolving into new areas of product liability law and beyond with successes on behalf of workers injured through chemical exposures or other unsafe work practices.

Justice Served in Workplace Discrimination and Bad Faith Insurance Cases

Having added other areas of practice, such as workplace discrimination and bad faith insurance, we work tirelessly to achieve fair and just results.  


robert e sweeney company
20525 Center Ridge Road, Suite 205
Rocky River, Ohio 44116
Phone: (216) 696-0606



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